
The Ole' Switcharoo

My roommate Dan is two years younger than me. He has a bit a learning to do when it comes to the apartment life of Seniors. We have gone through the whole deal about cleaning up our dishes, not leaving too much stuff around, and being mindful of each other spaces. Its really not his fault... these things just come with time.

So, we decided to send him to bootcamp... with Mr. Peets.

Mr. Peets (Which will most probably become a verb in my vocabulary sometime soon... you are such a peets, that is so peets, why do you have to be so peets, etc) is a sinister neat freak of our apartment. You would not be able to tell this if you looked in the mold of his bathroom... but when it comes to the living room, AKA his room, you better be mindful. The eyes of Peets is like the one of Sauron lurking over middle earth trying to find his next victim of the unclean. His hideous unmerciful laugh and that odd look in his eyes is a nightmare to those whom have heard it. For Mr. Peets a common room is not communal, but merely a place to establish his serfdom. We bow to the Peets because it is the peace of 312 that is at stake. This is whom we have sent Mr. Roge to learn how to become a man. If one can live in a room for a week they will learn the ways of right, because only Jesus can bring sanity in such darkness.

We decided after 24 that Dan should live with Peets for a week. We moved all of Dan's stuff into Peets' room and moved Matt's into mine. It was like a work of art. The detail was outrageous. Perfection...

Dan wasn't happy at 2AM when he found that Matt now is my roommate. We felt bad and told him it was a joke, but now he is cool and he is going to go along with it. What will be Mr. Peets' reaction? God only knows what lays in our near future.


Elleth said...

WOW! you went through with it... I LOVE YOU GUYS!

we need to talk. when r u free?

Mike said...

That is awsome, i think it will work well

trey i have a techie question for you. So after reading kevins blog i found out that apple released their much antisipated iphone however when googling iphone i learned that iPhone is already a registered trademark of cisco systems. did cisco beat them too it? Will there be a lawsuit?
if so, how can i profit from this?

elaine davis said...

i doubt you'll even see this because its an old post. but the english major/ aspiring linguist in me just couldt help this comment: not one use of the word "peets" in your above examples is a verb. adjectives and nouns yes. but verbs hardly. i couldnt even finish the thing. now having cleared my aura i will go back and read the rest of your post.

verb: "will you peets me an egg while you're at it?"