
Quote of the evening...

"Dude, do you wanna hear something nasty?" -KB 3:00AM

Props to Kyle, Tripppppp, Kev, Nathan, Austin, Ed, Larry, Austin, Brandon, Jim, Beach, and Barry... Thanks for the great night! Kyle is the man when it comes to performing with a particular 'box'. He and Trip's 'gift' stole the show...


Yet Another Rabbit Trail

Mike Soltys... my long lost Aboriginal friend... wrote the following as a comment from yesterday:

a) I miss heatherwood

b) I know God is good because why else would he create watermellon?
Now, Mr. Soltys is in the Outback right now. Doing some amazing things. You can check out his blog here. And I would have to agree, God's goodness is most definitely found in the creation of the watermelon. This fantastic fruit is the staple of summer. It is most surely the messiest fruit to eat. It makes me feel like a kid. I would put it on my top ten fruit list.
  1. Pineapple
  2. Strawberries
  3. Watermelon
  4. Peaches
  5. Cantaloupe
  6. Apples
  7. Grapes
  8. Plums
  9. Oranges
  10. Tangerines
Mike I applaud your findings. I do believe that the watermelon in fact is one of the most perfect examples of God's goodness. Within it we find color and imagination. I mean pink and green don't even come close to matching. Thanks Mike for sharing such profound theological rhetoric with us at tboden's blog. We raise our glasses to you: May your journey be safe, and your experience be abounding. Sincerely, much love to all...

PS... I have still yet to receive a schematic on my Treo...


A break from the prayer...

I have been having a great few weeks. I am not sure exactly why, but God has given me a few weeks to just enjoy the beauty of what he has given me. I just wanted to take some time and list the things I am thankful for / loving right now:

  1. Lauren; She is beginning to look more and more like a wife everyday
  2. My Classroom; Teaching is actually a lot of fun
  3. Friends and Family @ Heatherwood; Nothing better than house church
  4. My exhausted patience; Teaching me God is Sovereign
  5. Gail Mahaffey; My co-operating teacher! She is the best!
  6. My Dad; The greatest man I have ever known
  7. Camden, Katie, and Jackson Elmore; Nuf' Said
  8. Austin Booth and his 'Picnic of Music'
  9. Working out; I have lost 10lbs in 4 weeks
  10. The Groomsmen and Company; I get to hang with them all Saturday and Sunday!
I felt like I needed to list these things. In the midst of prayer I think it is important to remember the blessings God has given you. Jesus, thank you for your abounding grace and love. You alone are worth all the Glory!


6:30AM :: Prayer for Atlanta :: Part 5

Atlanta has been on my heart. This is the beginning of week long series that will contain a prayer/scripture/comments for the city of Atlanta. I plan to wake up at 6:30AM for one full week and pray for the city. Please feel free to post your prayers in addition to mine. Maybe Atlanta isn't the city on your heart. Pray for your city... the one God has you hurting for. 1 Sentence... 2 paragraphs... Just pray...


Come, let us sing for joy
Let us shout aloud to our King
Come, let us worship God
Lifting holy hands, bless His name

Lord, we come to meet with You again
To worship with one voice in adoration
You deserve our every praise
That echoes in this place
You’re the worthy One

Lord, we come with gratitude that flows
From deep within our souls
We rejoice in You
We will glory in Your name
With a shout our lips proclaim
The praises stirring in our hearts

Every creature in Heaven and Earth below
Bless His name, bless His name

- Bless His Name, Vineyard Music

Jesus, I want to be a psalmist. I want to dance in your presence. I want to sing new songs to you. I am not sure how that is supposed to work, but I want to be a part of your glory through song and praise. I am reminded this morning that you are the giver of all things. You brought me from yesterday to today. You woke my body from sleep. In a weird way you told me to rise this morning. I am overcome by your beauty in the sunrise. I pray this morning that Atlanta nurtures psalmists. I specifically pray for the arts crowd of Little Five Points. Bring Christians to this area. Let them be integrated into the local scene. Let your art flow from their hands. Draw people into your presence through art, poetry, and music. Let people know of that side of you. Let people know that worship music isn't the only art form that we can express praise and worship. Jesus, teach me how to become a worshiper that follows yoru posture. Teach me to lift my hands to the sky in praise. Bend me to my knees in humble worship. Prostrate me on the ground. I thank you and praise you for the great works you are already doing in Atlanta. These things I pray in your expected Glory, Amen.


6:30AM :: Prayer for Atlanta :: Part 4

Atlanta has been on my heart. This is the beginning of week long series that will contain a prayer/scripture/comments for the city of Atlanta. I plan to wake up at 6:30AM for one full week and pray for the city. Please feel free to post your prayers in addition to mine. Maybe Atlanta isn't the city on your heart. Pray for your city... the one God has you hurting for. 1 Sentence... 2 paragraphs... Just pray...

Romans 8:39 - Neither height nor death, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ our Lord

What are the depths of your love? How high can it reach? Will it pull me from the depths of death? Jesus I pray that your word becomes a reality for me. Nothing can separate anyone from the love that you bring. I pray for those in Atlanta that do not know that they are caught in this kind of love. I pray for their eyes to see the love that you have for them. I pray that they find themselves in the presence of a stranger who is loving them as the gospel calls us to love. Jesus, I pray for your patience as I sit and pray in Clemson, SC. My heart needs to rest in the love that you have for me here. Soon enough you will place me where I need to be. I pray like Isaiah told you, send me... I want to go to Atlanta... Send me... Raise people up with me to go and serve those people to death. I pray for your patience and a peace of mind that allows me to sit in the arm of my savior. I love you Jesus. You are my hope, my strength, and my redeemer. Reclaim your city. Allow me to be a part of doing that. You are sovereign and I will go where you lead me. I pray these things in the Holy and Powerful name of Jesus, who is the giver and receiver of all glory and honor, Amen.


A Picture While You Are Reading

Let your Glory shine around, Let your Glory Shine around
King of Glory here be found, King of Glory

6:30AM :: Prayer for Atlanta :: Part 3

Atlanta has been on my heart. This is the beginning of week long series that will contain a prayer/scripture/comments for the city of Atlanta. I plan to wake up at 6:30AM for one full week and pray for the city. Please feel free to post your prayers in addition to mine. Maybe Atlanta isn't the city on your heart. Pray for your city... the one God has you hurting for. 1 Sentence... 2 paragraphs... Just pray...


God off the nations, you are the creator of all things. I thank you for the beautiful world that you have given to us to tend to. I thank you that I have a part to play in the story of God. This morning I pray for a reconciliation between inner city Christians and suburban Christians. Build a soil group of people in Atlanta that burden for it's restoration. May it be a mix of those from different socio-economic levels and race. Teach us that we can have a local mission field. Where we live can be our Darfur and our home. I thank you for the things that are going on in Atlanta. there are places where we are seeing your reconciliation, but we need more of it. we are a chosen people of God, and our mission is to spread your love and gospel to all people. Not just people like us, but to all who surround us. Jesus, I pray for peace between the inhabitants of Atlantic Station and those of Bankhead Highway. I pray for investment. I pray for Christians who will embrace a missional living in both of these areas. That you would be the strength and provider for these prayers. God, I picture Midtown Community Church being a source of light to all nations and races. A home to all socio-economic levels. Your gospel does not judge or discriminate. Teach us to not do the same. May we embrace a missional life style. May it be pleasing to you. May the gospel be on our lips and on our hearts ever moment of the day. I pray these things in your expectant glory... Amen


6:30AM :: A Prayer For Atlanta :: Part 2

Atlanta has been on my heart. This is the beginning of week long series that will contain a prayer/scripture/comments for the city of Atlanta. I plan to wake up at 6:30AM for one full week and pray for the city. Please feel free to post your prayers in addition to mine. Maybe Atlanta isn't the city on your heart. Pray for your city... the one God has you hurting for. 1 Sentence... 2 paragraphs... Just pray...


Jesus, my hope and salvation, the giver of peace...

Toward Atlanta I directly pray. Bring me to my knees for this city. I want it to be shining for you. Who's name is greater or more powerful than yours? Draw me into your presence so that I can pray for Atlanta more and more directly. This morning I pray specifically for those whom have lost hope or have never even seen it. I pray for the homeless on the street. Bring them people, disciples, to meet their needs of substance and safety. I pray for the Hispanic single mothers. Bring them a peace and rest about finances. Send them someone who can point them to you, the giver of all things. I pray for the politicians. I pray that you trump their self motivating interests. Jesus, that you plan would use those who follow the Way and those who do not. Your ability to be sovereign is one of my favorite traits about you. I can trust in the fact that you know how to bend the nations to do your will, despite if they know you or not. Come near to me Christ. Teach me to be a Christian, a lover of the gospel. Teach me to be a missional follower. Someone who has a purpose. May Atlanta be claimed in the Cross. May your people move toward reclamation and restoration in Atlanta. May your hope be our message and our song. Point our eyes toward the city.


6:30AM :: A Prayer For Atlanta :: Part 1

Atlanta has been on my heart. This is the beginning of week long series that will contain a prayer/scripture/comments for the city of Atlanta. I plan to wake up at 6:30AM for one full week and pray for the city. Please feel free to post your prayers in addition to mine. Maybe Atlanta isn't the city on your heart. Pray for your city... the one God has you hurting for. 1 Sentence... 2 paragraphs... Just pray...


God, the Holy One who has chosen me, you are beautiful and wonderful. My hands are lifted high because you have brought me out of the pit of sin. I am claimed by the grace of Christ and I am thankful. I ask that your freedom come to Atlanta. I ask that you are seen above all things. I confess of neglecting the homeless, and the despondent. Rework my view of the gospel. Jesus, as you taught us to pray, "Your kingdom come and your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven." We are in your kingdom now. We are the vessels, the hands and feet, the shakers and movers, of your active and living restoration. We stand in the midst of your restoration. Sometimes we see only ruin. Give us sight like you have. Give us the ability to see what you have begun to restore. Jesus, I want to be a curator of the world. I need a master to teach me how to bring art back to its original beauty. I need someone to help me paint, hand in hand, so that your work may be completed. I pray these things specifically for Atlanta. I pray for the suburban church; that they would have a unbridled passion for claiming the city of Atlanta. I pray that we may do it for the sake of the humanity of others, a representation of your Glory on Earth. May I see those whom are different for who they are and for whom they will be when restored in the merciful and graceful hands of the master. In Jesus' name, the one who was, and is, and is to come, Amen.


Latest Art

Lauren took it. I edited it. Thoughts?


Cast into the fire

"You "bind the sacrifice . . . to the horns of the altar" and see to
it that you don’t wallow in self-pity once the fire begins. After you
have gone through the fire, there will be nothing that will be able to
trouble or depress you. When another crisis arises, you will realize
that things cannot touch you as they used to do. What fire lies ahead
in your life?

Tell God you are ready to be poured out as an offering, and God will prove Himself to be all you ever dreamed He would be."

Feb 6th My Utmost For His Highest

I read this passage this morning. I don't know if I have the guts to put myself on the altar. I don't know what that honestly mean... It scares me to think of myself laid out on the altar. I wrote this in response:

The Lamb

The smell of burnt skin

Fills the room with a haze

Sitting, laying, hands stretched out

Eyes toward the altar within

Made of the purest cedar

The combination of smells

Both wonderful and putrid

Beautiful love and light

Focus upon salvation, redemption


Standing, ablaze, he walks

Untouched by the flames no more



Well, yesterday I got to hang out with the senior pastor of Grace Fellowship. It was an awkward lunch at first, but it loosened up and I was able to really enjoy it. I hope he enjoyed it as well.

Afterwards, Lauren and I spent some time in Starbucks before heading down to Midtown Community Fellowship. Midtown is where i would possibly work in a few months. I was blown away at what was happening down there. God is moving in huge ways. The church is in an old Baptist church building. It has pews still, which is pretty amazing for its feel. It is primarily college aged, but there were a few people who were older.

I was blown away at the potential this church has. I was reading this morning in 1 Corinthians 4. This is what it said:

"It seems to me that God
has put us who bear his Message on stage in a theater in which no one
wants to buy a ticket. We're something everyone stands around and
stares at, like an accident in the street. We're the Messiah's misfits.
You might be sure of yourselves, but we live in the midst of frailties
and uncertainties. You might be well-thought-of by others, but we're
mostly kicked around. Much of the time we don't have enough to eat, we
wear patched and threadbare clothes, we get doors slammed in our faces,
and we pick up odd jobs anywhere we can to eke out a living. When they
call us names, we say, "God bless you." When they spread rumors about
us, we put in a good word for them. We're treated like garbage, potato
peelings from the culture's kitchen. And it's not getting any better."

This to me shows a radical type of living. It demonstrates a living for only the gospel. I want that. I want to be a part of the 'Messiah's misfits.' How do I do that? I'm not sure, but I am praying for it.

I see this type of living and presence possible at Midtown. Its a counter cultural living. In this passage I find people giving up what makes them comfortable for the sake of Jesus. Wow... I want to be like that.


Kyle's Blog

I have a new blogging friend...

Kyle has been my closest friend for nearly all my life. He started blogging yesterday, and I know its going to be pretty awesome. Here is his link!

Get to reading.


As Promised...

So, I was looking around today and saw a most innovative churches in America article. It brought me to LifeChurch. Now I haven't heard much about this church. I have heard about it in passing, but I haven't actually researched it.

I went to their website as I was supposed to be preparing for my lesson that i am teaching today on WWI. It is pretty insane. The web design is absolutely beautiful. The church seems pretty crazy too. Very very advanced in their technology.

An innovative idea: the internet church. They have a fully functional online campus. Here you can see the message live and participate in a "lobby" online before and after the service. This is very awesome. They also have video of every sermon in good quality. Wow...


Spike Jonze - GAP ad

Funniest Gap Ad Ever... It would have been so much fun to shoot!


Teaching doesn't leave time for blogging

Its really annoying. I can't access my blog during the day. The school doesn't allow it. I am going to start using this program that allows me to write the blog during the day and update it later. Its pretty cool.

This Sunday I am going to be semi-interviewing for a church in downtown ATL. This is not entirely true. The church is actually in Snellville, but they have a plant off of State Street and 10th in midtown. I'm really excited about it. I am going to lunch with the senior pastor and his wife.

The church is doing some pretty radical things. Their target outreach are Muslims. They travel to the middle east a lot and the church downtown was strategically planted next to the largest mosque in the South East. It has provided for some pretty awesome encounters apparently.

The community groups are supposed to be amazing. Its primarily a college aged churhc. Which is good because it won't feel very different from where I am now.

I'm going to miss Nathan and Amie... sadness...

Well leave some love. I'm not slacking I promise. Be looking for some more regular postings. Peace.