God Jesus Holy Spirit
Who brought you to salavation? Which part of God brought you there? I have never thoguht about this. Dan brought it up tonight. Thoughts?
Community and Life Change
Who brought you to salavation? Which part of God brought you there? I have never thoguht about this. Dan brought it up tonight. Thoughts?
Posted by
10:56 PM
Next time you go have to share a bed with a friend you better ask if they are a Sexsomniac.
Moving Video even though im not sure what i think about it yet.
I want to pee in one of these.
Don't be a sleepy rectum.
Posted by
8:58 AM
Wow, we had a blast this Sunday kicing the House of the Lofts to the outfield. I am not going to lie, I did have a part to play in it. I did score the game winning RBI from my in the park homerun. This was also known as a single with 3 in field errors, but a home run none the less that scored us 2 points. The final score was 4-2. Church in Heatherwood takes the day.
Here is the winning team...
Here is me receiving the game ball in which I shared with Kevin Baynard because of his mad 3rd basemen skills. He also was quite the 3rd base coach heckler!
Go Heatherwood!!!
Posted by
12:18 AM
Three weekends ago I got to play with one of the best group of people I have ever played with. We got to play for FCA's Fall Retreat. It was pretty stellar. If you ever need musicians these are the guys to have. Just give me a shout anytime.
Posted by
5:01 PM
I am so excited about this weekend. ESPN's College Game Day is coming to Clemson for the Georgia Tech game. Wow, there were a lot of capitals in that last sentence. I am super pumped about it.
I hope all is doing well with everyone. I have some thoughts brewing, but class is not a place to state them. See you soon.
Posted by
9:08 AM
I just love him... He pretty much is one of the greatest guys ever and he wants to be able to open a beer with his thumb alone.
Besides that, nothing much new on the home front...
Posted by
11:38 PM
I had one of the most amazing weekends ever...
First was the Sabbath. I have been structuring time out of my week to sit and rest for about six weeks now. It has been very awesoem for Lauren and I's relationship. Also, I have been a lot more relaxed during the week. Last week I decided I would be a bit more intentional with my Sabbath (Fri 12PM to Sat 12PM) instead of just sitting around loafing. I decided this week that Lauren and two of our friends would drive to one of the nearest towns outside of Clemson and drive towards the mountains. We would drive for an entire CD length of time. When the car stopped the music stopped. It was a blast. We actually made it all the way to North Carolina. The CD choice was John Mayer's new album and Nickel Creek's first for the return trip. I was agreat experience.
The rest of my weekend, besides a 4 hour paper writing break, consisted of watching the second season of Lost. It was incredible and best yet it was jsut me and Lauren. Lauren and I have been craving some space to be just by ourselves. It was so nice. Lost is amazing. If you aren't addicted yet, I'm sorry because it is a pain to get through them all. Lauren and I are watching the next two tmorrow and then we will be all caught up.
I hope you all are doing well. Send a comment... How was your weekend?
Posted by
7:58 AM
Grammar is the anti-creativity
Turning ramble and messy into form and structure
Posted by
10:54 PM
Welcome to the new tboden.blogspot.com. Leave your coats at the door and stay awhile.
I ran across an article that was on the front of the New York Times today. If I were to ask you how many homeless people lived in the United States how many would you say? The number that came to my head was 8 million. I was surprised to find out that there are only 600,000 homeless in the US. This surprised me. The article goes on to talk about the rise of homelessness in rural areas, which compromise 9% of the total.
This produced friction...
And the wheels began to turn...
Why doesn't someone do something about this? There are 280 million people in the United States and 279.4 live with something over their heads. Why don't we find a way to put something over the heads of people. Why can't we find a job somewhere, anywhere to get these people on their feet. Why doesn't someone develope a community near large cities for homelss people where they can have housing and food in exchange for working for chain stores and/or corporate production facilities that allow advancement in leadership. Maybe upper leadership can have a choice to move somewhere else after they gt off their feet. 600,000 is a very insignificant number compared to 279.4 million.
We can be selfish bastards...
And I am not afraid to admit it like it is...
Posted by
4:25 PM
Came across a new website. Its called Church Marketing Sucks. It is a really interesting website with funny polls and great articles. It is especially great for the creative artist in ministry. It gives a couple of great ideas
ATM - Automative Tithing Machine???
I think Jesus would not be happy when he saw this...
Also lately I have actually been enjoying German. I know its strange. I am actually enjoying my class. Today we started to watch a movie that was really good for a German film. It was called The Edukators: Fretten Jahre Sind Vorbei. Totally check it out.
Posted by
11:28 PM
This morning went great. I know that I told you all about the practice. It wasn't worth he worry. It was so much fun. Jesus is so huge when he shows up that way. I love me church and all the people that go to it.
Today was a big day. I lead music this morning, came back and read about John Paul Vann in Vietnam, then went and practiced for a retreat I am playing at in Atlanta. I am super stoked about it. I played with some crazy cool people. They are some of the greatest and most talented musicians I have ever played with. Practice was so much fun. I was also very relaxed and chill. The music just flowed out of us. I can't wait to see how God is going to use us this weekend.
Kyle stayed the night with me. He is probably one of my favorite people ever. We ahve been friends since tiger cubs. Those were the days. We hung out while he enjoyed a RockStar while Lauren and I downed a nice Sunkist. We then sat around and talke about Lost for a while. I realized that I need to finish the second season. Thanks to TiVo I wont be missing anything. It was a glorious evening which ended with Kyle and Dan going to go and smoke the hooka.
Well I will talk to you all soon. This week is hell week when it comes to school. Be thinking of me.
Posted by
12:00 AM