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My super sweet girlfriend colored me a picture! She loves me!
Community and Life Change
My super sweet girlfriend colored me a picture! She loves me!
Posted by
3:20 PM
I have been having some amazing talks with some people lately about worship and why we do it. As a tech guy it is always hard to take away something from worship. I always have a hard time concentrating on the speaker. I hardly ever get anything from the message the first time around because I am so worried about what video element is next or when to put up the speaker's computer graphics he wants to use. Most of the time I get my teacing in the car when I am by myself and can listen intently while driving.
I had a conversation today with a friend I had met here at the church. His name is Marcello. He is from Equador. He is the director of lighting for the creative department. You want to talk about a guy who has a gift... this is the man. He is incredibly talented. We talked about our purpose during worship. Why is it we do what we do? What does it enhance?
I came to this conclusion with my friend Ryan this weekend. My purpose is recall. Recall is the brain's ability to store and revisit information learned way past the time it was first introduced. Many people have trouble with this. It is the reason why we have to study or repeat a certain task. Often times we have to use devices inorder to enhance our ability to recall information. This devices include mnemonics, classical conditioning, and word association. Everyone knows the order to do math problems because the remembered to "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally."
In the past few decades our culture has become very vision oriented. We have discovered that certain colors establish certain moods. Images can recall feelings, time periods, even smells. This is where I found my purpose. My purpose is to associate images to a speaker's message. A message that relates the hope of Glory to middle schoolers, college kids, and lost people. If I can display a picture during a worship experience that will assist in the recalling of a state of woship or particular information, then I have achieved a win.
This is my form of worship. Establishing a connection between the mind and God's message through the use of media and I love it. I live for it.
Posted by
1:17 PM
Wow... I have never ever seen creativity like that from such a rag tag team of people. God is so amazing that he can take 30 of us and produce something like I saw tonight. I am going to be posting a pics and maybe some video. Really God is good... he provides and he takes care of the little things that get you when you are a producing a room like this.
I had to run jumpbacks this morning. For all you non-tech folks, those are the back grounds with all of the color they put behind words. It was a little bit of a challenge. I am not the biggest fan of them. I am a black screen/white words type of guy. It was tough trying to match colors and know when to put the next one up. Not to mention I had to be concerned with 3 independent screens...
Really guys, this is a sight to see... Be looking for some pictures! Peace
Posted by
12:53 PM
Things are going to start rolling again here. As many of you know my girlfriend's dad passed away and my family is going through some tough things as of late. This is why the blog has been abandoned. But it is time again to start typing and writting.
I talked to David Crowder last night. He called me from stage at North Point Community Church. It was flipping sweet. I have been tryign to find out how to get in touch with him for months now to tell him thanks for promoting and to see if he could help us with a look-a-like contest. The contest is still up in the air. Someone gave him my contact info, so I hope to be hearing from them again soon.
I am currently in Cleveland, TN working at a middle school camp for my internship. It has been a blast so far. There is a storm approaching... Its goign to be awesome!!!
Posted by
4:23 PM