Whatever you say... Leprechauns are real!
I was surfing the web via NetNewsWire @ digg.com and found this interesting article. Apparently an art student in Portland was expelled from art school for trying to tell a girl that her belief in Leprechauns could not be scientifically proven. The student is an Atheist while Mrs. Four Leaf Clover believes in alternate energy levels of existence. He gets kicked out of school for having a conversation she initiated in the first place. And to top it off the school has a bi-law that disallows any students to talk about spirituality.
What is the world coming to? Why is it so afraid of something bigger? Besides the ridiculousness of expulsion and the nature of the conversation, isn't this against our rights as Americans, to be denied the right to talk about spirituality? It irks me. Anyways, the article was very funny, but it really pained me in the end.
Posted by
12:01 AM
Crap... I hate it when good music comes out
Sufjan Stevens came out with an amazing Christmas Album... dang it...
Posted by
10:11 AM
Fun Links
Why does music give you the chills?
Myspace is growing... Could it be the devolution of community?
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Posted by
9:27 AM
It Is True
We don't know of a date yet, but we have a good idea it will be in June. Its really exciting and strange. A good strange... a really good strange.
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Posted by
8:25 AM
Death Cab...
1. U2 - Boston - Vertigo Tour
2. Mae - Tremont - Charlotte, NC
3. Martin Sexton - Eddies Attic
4. Mute Math - Anywhere
5. Death Cab For Cutie - Little John Coliseum - Clemson, SC
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Posted by
11:15 PM
Funny German Moment
I took this picture... well Lauren took it... when I got excited to see the Goethe Institute in San Francisco next to the gate of China Town. German is almost over... to bad I am just getting decent at it.
Posted by
9:50 AM
For Your Reading Pleasure
This is an essay that I wrote, edited by Nathan Elmore. It is basically turning into my thesis about how creativity can be used in reaching the needy.
Posted by
5:41 PM
Its been a week...
So this week has been a week of getting back into the rhythms of school. Here is the thing... In San Francisco, I got a taste of what its going to be like when I am married. Now before any of you married types come down on me about a dream vacation in San Francisco, let me explain. I realized that there is something out past college that seems to feel a bit less heavy. For example this week I have started a 10 page Vietnam paper, this upcoming Thursday I have two tests, on Tuesday I have a German essay due... That is a lot of stuff looming over my head. I felt this past weekend what it was liked to have little outside stress and enjoy the one I love. I was a great weekend for relaxing.
I hope all is going well in the soace between Facebook and Cyberspace.
Posted by
5:24 PM
San Francisco :: Day 3
Hello. This is Lauren. Yesterday Trey and I ventured into the neighborhoods of San Francisco. Our first stop was Chinatown.... Unfortunately, we realized that just because we are visiting this lovely city, stores still don't open until 10:00 A.M. So, this is Trey during our 1 hour wait in Starbucks for the Chinese people to come out and play with us...
Here is the funny looking monster on the gate to Chinatown...
And a picture of the main street (Grant) that runs through Chinatown...
Chinatown was interesting....lots of random stores with chopsticks and such and lots of people not speaking English. It was fun.
After Chinatown, we rode the Trolley car again (my favorite) and then we went to Haight Ashbury where I spent way too much money on fun jewelry and some clothes. We ate at a really fun place for lunch called Askew, where they put your food on a stick.....it was quality. This was a seriously cool neighborhood..good shopping and interesting people.
Our afternoon consisted of strolling through Golden Gate Park until we laid in the grass for a while. Once again, this is a very good place to watch interesting people. Then we decided to go and get our Scrabble game and sit in Union Square for a while. It was a lovely afternoon.
The highlight of the day was definelty dinner. For our 2 year anniversary, Trey took me to the Cheesecake Factory....This isn't just an ordinary Cheesecake Factory however. It is located on top of Macy's and has a terrace that overlooks Union Square. We had to wait for a little over an hour to get a seat on the terrace, but It was beautiful and well worth the wait. Here is Trey being silly.....
That is all for yesterday. Today, we have a few last adventures and then we will hop on our plane back to the east coast....
Posted by
12:00 PM
San Francisco :: Day 2
Mmmm... crossiant
Today started with a day of hills. The hills here are really crazy
They Get you really tired. Here I am with my victory pose at the top
Look how far down it is.
It was really intense to climb up. Next we went to Lombard Street. This street is known for being the most crooked street in the world. Lauren and I got someone to take our picture on it.
My third flagship visit.
After we did this we rode the F-Line down market to our hostel on Taylor and Post. Its pretty sweet. Lauren and I are both nervous about meeting our roomates. I guess it will jsut have to be a surprise. We will have our iPods ready in case snoring insues. Next we rode our first trolley car. It was so much fun. The air here is so cool and the weather started to brightening up. We rode it all the way back to our old hotel newar the Wharf. Here is Lauren being silly.
Mr. Peets told me I had to try a bowl of chowder. Here I am enjoying that bowl.
Of course with Lauren, picture taking has to be part of the day. Here is one of the Golden Gate we took off of the pier.
Late afternoon we braved the public transit system and headed to the Alamo Square to see the victorians. We decided to be a little funny...
After the visit to the Full House row, we went to the neighborhood, Castro, where the gay and lesbian community thrives in San Francisco. It was a really cool experience. Be looking for a special storyline on it. After that we came back to hostel and thats where you find us. This place is beautiful. If you haven't been you ened to go.
Posted by
9:38 PM
San Francisco:: Day 1
Its weird that I am posting this at 5:10, but its almost nine at home. We had a rough start this morning. The plane blew a circuit. I am not sure what that means, but it took a whiel to fix.
I saw the rocky mountains. That was so amazing. Now I really want to stand in front of them instead of flying over them. I told Lauren that maybe we should have went to Denver instead.
We got here and immediately boarded a train to downtown. When we got into the Bay Area we transfer to a street car. It was an interesting experience. Lauren and I had no idea what to do. We looked pretty funny. We made it to the Hilton @ Fisherman's Wharf and left as soon as we got there. Airtran doesn't believe in feeding you as you travel the country. We were starved.
In And Out Burger...
Basically its the Varsity of the West Coast. It doens't hold a candle to the Varsity, but it was nice to be able to think about your order before you get thrown to the back of the line after the second. "What ya' Have!" The rumors are true about this Varsity knock off... they can make a really mean hamburger.
Afterwards, Lauren and I went to tour the Wharf. Its a really cool place. There was a bunch of fog today. After about an hour of walking it began to open up. Lauren took some stellar pictures...
After taking pictures we walked the long way back to the hotel. We saw the old cable car routes and the photographer once again took an amazing picture.
Now we are back at the hotel blogging and waiting for time to go by to justify a good dinner time.
Posted by
8:48 PM