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The bond fire is on us again!!! You can find more information here!! Or you can sign up right now by clicking here. FOr more events check our our calender.
Community and Life Change
The bond fire is on us again!!! You can find more information here!! Or you can sign up right now by clicking here. FOr more events check our our calender.
Posted by
10:11 PM
Yesterday was a big day for me. I decided to finally get baptized. I have been wrestling over the whole concept for about two years now. When I told people that I had not been baptized, most would gasp as if i had committed a carnal sin. How could you be in you vocation and never be baptized? Do you realy understand the weight of following Christ? I was even confronted about stepping down from an intern position I held at a church one summer. I couldn't understand how a simple act of immersion could be so crucial to the decision to follow the way of Christ. I think I understood in the brief second I was starring at the flicker of the sun on the water's surface. Baptism is about the moment we stop breathing.
They say that drowning is one of the most painful ways to die. As your body gives in to the natural tendency to keep water out, the water rushes into your lungs. At this moment you begin to suffocate. Your body convulses and pain rips through every appendage. Your brain shuts down, because of a lack of oxygen, and you pass into the next life in the calm, quiet of water.
Baptism is an act of intentional drowning. It is learning how to quit breathing. It is a door way into death.
Yesterday, I gave into my theological stances. I let myself pass into the calm. I cannot afford to let myself breath any longer. My hope is that Jesus breathes for me and through me. I have been spiritually baptized for 8 years now; saved by the grace of the one who is and was and will always be. I have tried to follow the way of Jesus to the best of my ability. But yesterday marked a day for me to show to the world, as Jesus did, that I am going into the vocation of loving people. I welcome the calm and willingly submit my life to it. Giving the old life to death and start a new chapter closely following the way of Jesus
Posted by
1:26 PM
Nathan Elmore and myself debuted our short film, Visibility, this weekend at the DCF Film Festival. There was plenty of competition. Ten films total were submitted. Brandon Loi's Everyday I Prayed for Katie, walked away with the well earned awards for Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor and Actress, Best Screen Play, and Best Supporting Actress. BreitMeichael Productions received awards for Best Comedy and Best Supporting Actor in their film Four The Love. Hats off to Jon Breitmeier to his stunning role as Dr. Mungolo. Justin and Erin Scott and Drew Norris won Best Music Video for Robot Cat . Absolutely fantastic!!!
Visibility was awarded for Best Editor and Best Soundtrack. Nathan and I were absolutely honored to receive such awards. Thanks to all those who helped!
Posted by
1:08 PM
I am currently living in 6 different worlds
Posted by
10:55 AM
3074 Cooper Woods Lane
The Misses, soon to be Mrs., and I are quite excited. Just thought I would let you all know!
Posted by
10:15 PM
Probably the most fun part about getting engaged so far has been the house hunt. Lauren and I have spent countless hours pouring over picture upon picture of houses in the Snellville area. We have been out three times to look in houses we like. I wish there was a house that had everything we liked... but only in a perfect world will you find something like that.
Posted by
11:13 AM
As many of you may know, I now have a job!!! I know I am super
stoked about it. I am now officially the Arts Director of Midtown
Community Church and Video Director for Grace Fellowship Church.
Tonight, Lauren and I went to Midtown for their gathering. It was so
much fun. The church is in downtown Atlanta @ 10th and State. Its
in a church that was built in the 1910s. The building has been
completely renovated and is home to about 200 college students and
another mix of about 100 of all sorts of people, cultures and
ethnicities. I am excited to get down there an begin investing into
the volunteers. There is so much potential with SCAD and Georgia
State near by.
Grace in Snellville is pretty amazing too. It is the church that
originally planted Midtown. It is about 2,000 large. They are in
the process of adding on to their existing building. The people are
absolutely fantastic!
I'm going to staff meeting on Tuesday where I am going to be
introduced to the rest of the gang. I cannot wait!!!
Posted by
10:54 PM
Hey guys... I just wanted to let you know that you should unbookmark
this URL and head over to:
This is my new page that is much prettier. Now for you Type A
people The links on the side are being update with content. Be
patient it is coming!!!
Bookmark it! Subscribe to the feed! Get to reading!
Posted by
10:25 AM