Off To Hilton Head I Go
I am off to the wonderful beaches of Hilton Head. Expect a post. Give me a call between 9 and 1 to give me some company!
Community and Life Change
I am off to the wonderful beaches of Hilton Head. Expect a post. Give me a call between 9 and 1 to give me some company!
Posted by
11:44 PM
I know I am a dweeb when it comes to science and technology, but this is so cool!
Posted by
8:47 PM
1. Greeters who bust you down to give you a bulletin
I am not sure if I am the only one who experienced this on Christmas Eve, but I was nearly chased down when I reentered the church by greeters who wanted to give me a bulletin. A) I think you are wasting paper giving me something that merely tells me what I am about to see. B) I just got finished being chased down by the other lady.
2. Unexplained Scripture
If you choose it use it! God's word needs to be talked through. At the church I went to this eve of Christmas we were read a passage from Isaiah that was full of God's judgment on his people. It was a very different way of hearing God speak, but it was never actually explained. If I were a first time comer I would have been lost in the words of a God who hates the wicked... Granted he does, but an explanation would be nice to have about why God despises the wicked and desires justice and righteousness for the oppressed. I have found that this lesson is one of the most important lessons to teach in the area I grew up in... but that is for a later time.
3) Archaic words without meaning
Define for me: Thither
Why is it that "swaddling" is reserved only for baby Jesus?
4) Hymns that don't go as planned
The generation that is growing up in church today is very distant from hymns. This is sad because many of them are beautiful. Its so awkward through when hymns are sung and the audience isn't sure how to sing it. They are all alone in their mumble.
5) "True God of True God"
What does this mean? I know its in the Nicene Creed, but its very perplexing
All of these things happened in one church service tonight. It also included a nice butt crack in front of me and my mom during Oh Come All Ye Faithful. My mom turned to be and laughed saying... "Oh I didn't come for that!" I am not being critical of this church. I just felt lost in the crazy awkwardness.
Jesus is born today... He came as normal human being, but divine in spirit. He died for me and you so that we may live eternally. God is near... He invites you to his table.
Come and eat the Bread of Life
Posted by
12:34 AM
I hope everyone has been having a great holiday season. I have been having a blast. My parents moved into their new house. We now live in Cherokee County, just 15 minutes from the old house. The new house is pretty sweet. I like it a lot more than the old one. The only thing that sucks is that you have to drive 15 minutes to get nearly anywhere.
Lauren and I spent this whole week helping unpack. Her family came down on Friday and stayed the night. It was a lot of fun. You can see the schedule here. It was so much fun. She left with her family yesterday. Last night was a bit lonely without her.
I am really beginning to realize how much she is a part of me. The whole engagement process is so beautiful. I have always heard its supposed to be really tough, but what I have found is that it is just the prologue after the introduction. The book is just getting started. So to all of you out there who are about to get engaged or heading that way, it is whatever you make it. I doesn't stop me from counting down the days.
We went and looked at the church I will probably be working at. The job is being the Creative Programing Director for Cedarcrest Church. Basically I will be running Sunday mornings and thinking of creative ways to market (For a lack of a better word) the church to the community. I won't know until the end of January, but it looks promising.
That same day we went looking for houses. That was just crazy. I am becoming a married man. Wow... who would have thought!?!
Merry Christmas everyone... leave some love....
Posted by
1:00 PM
I saw this on a friend's away message...
"The city of Los Angeles once named a street after Jack Bauer in gratitude for his saving the city several times. They had to rename it after people kept dying when they tried to cross the street. No one crosses Jack Bauer and lives."
January 14th... Jack is Back
Posted by
11:43 PM
I have been laughing through every post that my friend Kevin has been putting up on his new blog. You have to know Kevin to get some of the humor. He sometime, a lot of the time, overly sarcastic when it comes to the uses of technology as social constructs. I am not alone in his worry. I think things like Myspace and Facebook are endangering the true meaning of community. That topic is for a later post. On to Kevin...
Kevin is just getting into his blog. He is a construction science major from Greenville, SC. He has a unique Southern accent that is often indistinguishable. He is an off the wall crazy person who loves to pick fun at anything he can get his hands on. And ladies he is in fact single.
All and all Kevin brings a good product to the table. His blogging is very simplistic, yet the sarcasm is extremely witty and complex. So, I raise this post to you Kevin Baynard. Keep up the good work!
Posted by
10:41 PM
Posted by
6:25 PM
Friends went all out on this crazy event. It was pretty spectacular. I wish i was there to see it live. Watch and have fun laughing at the craziness.
Posted by
3:40 PM
Posted by
10:27 AM
I am not quite sure how to make that sound, but I know I am making it. I am sitting here trying to study. It has been more like trying to stay awake and studying in between. I have an exam this morning. Vietnam History... yuck. Here is what I saw all morning out of the corner of my eye. How in the heck am I supposed to study this this happening?
Well I hope I pass this thing. I have a lot riding on it. How do you regurgitate 10 years of history in detail? I am about the find out. Oh yeah funny pic of me and Lauren. We had a semi-formal last night for Mike Soltys. He is graduating and its sad.
Posted by
7:20 AM
Posted by
4:25 PM
I am working on some cool stuff right now. I have been taking a class called Advanced Writing Composition. I really dreaded this class. I mean realllllly dreaded it. But of course, I get into the class and the subject for the semester is: Creativity.
It has been really great. For our final we have to put together all of our writings into a portfolio. So, I thought it would be cool to create magazine design for the project. It has been a lot of fun. I can't wait to post some pictures for you. I will post just this little teaser!
Posted by
12:55 AM
Oh Boy.... this has been a crazy weekend. I have to do a whole bunch of crap to finish up the semester. I have this 10 page or more paper of death for my Vietnam history course. Yeah, not fun at all. Actually we will just say it... it sucks. The prof wants me to basically give a doctoral thesis on the Buddhist Sect Crisis of 1963. I know I can hear you all cringing now.
Next I have a paper due on Tuesday that I have to write right now. It is about a specific lesson I taught in school. It won't take to long, but its not how I want to spend my Sunday afternoon.
Tomorrow I have to read an entire half of a book. About 220 pages worth of story about an African city called Segu. Its a easy read, but I read really slow.
So lets just say I have my work cut out for me.
This semester has been really hard, but it looks like it is going to turn out just fine. I hope all of you out in the blogosphere are having a great last week of school. Talk to you all soon!
Posted by
3:07 PM