
Teaching doesn't leave time for blogging

Its really annoying. I can't access my blog during the day. The school doesn't allow it. I am going to start using this program that allows me to write the blog during the day and update it later. Its pretty cool.

This Sunday I am going to be semi-interviewing for a church in downtown ATL. This is not entirely true. The church is actually in Snellville, but they have a plant off of State Street and 10th in midtown. I'm really excited about it. I am going to lunch with the senior pastor and his wife.

The church is doing some pretty radical things. Their target outreach are Muslims. They travel to the middle east a lot and the church downtown was strategically planted next to the largest mosque in the South East. It has provided for some pretty awesome encounters apparently.

The community groups are supposed to be amazing. Its primarily a college aged churhc. Which is good because it won't feel very different from where I am now.

I'm going to miss Nathan and Amie... sadness...

Well leave some love. I'm not slacking I promise. Be looking for some more regular postings. Peace.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Trey, it is sad that the heatherwood first-rounders are all leaving.

On a diffrent note, if you would like to meet obama, he will be in springfield in Febuary to announce his running for president.

you're welcome to stay at my house! (but I wont be here)