
6:30AM :: Prayer for Atlanta :: Part 3

Atlanta has been on my heart. This is the beginning of week long series that will contain a prayer/scripture/comments for the city of Atlanta. I plan to wake up at 6:30AM for one full week and pray for the city. Please feel free to post your prayers in addition to mine. Maybe Atlanta isn't the city on your heart. Pray for your city... the one God has you hurting for. 1 Sentence... 2 paragraphs... Just pray...


God off the nations, you are the creator of all things. I thank you for the beautiful world that you have given to us to tend to. I thank you that I have a part to play in the story of God. This morning I pray for a reconciliation between inner city Christians and suburban Christians. Build a soil group of people in Atlanta that burden for it's restoration. May it be a mix of those from different socio-economic levels and race. Teach us that we can have a local mission field. Where we live can be our Darfur and our home. I thank you for the things that are going on in Atlanta. there are places where we are seeing your reconciliation, but we need more of it. we are a chosen people of God, and our mission is to spread your love and gospel to all people. Not just people like us, but to all who surround us. Jesus, I pray for peace between the inhabitants of Atlantic Station and those of Bankhead Highway. I pray for investment. I pray for Christians who will embrace a missional living in both of these areas. That you would be the strength and provider for these prayers. God, I picture Midtown Community Church being a source of light to all nations and races. A home to all socio-economic levels. Your gospel does not judge or discriminate. Teach us to not do the same. May we embrace a missional life style. May it be pleasing to you. May the gospel be on our lips and on our hearts ever moment of the day. I pray these things in your expectant glory... Amen

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